VSoft Mobile Workforce system update – practical changes to facilitate task management
W ostatnich tygodniach przygotowywaliśmy kilka nowości w systemie Mobile Workforce, które sprawią, że nawigowanie pracą terenową będzie jeszcze prostsze a interfejs aplikacji bardziej przejrzysty i intuicyjny. Dzięki dodatkowym danym i filtrom będziecie w stanie szybciej lokalizować to czego szukacie. Zareagowaliśmy
New year – new version of the VSoft Mobile Workforce 2023 system
The beginning of the year is always a busy time at #VSoftTeam. This year's first VMW System update aims to revolutionize the way you work with tasks. The latest version of VSoft Mobile Workforce traditionally includes new features and enhanced
Premiere of the new version of VSoft Mobile Workforce
Works on the latest version of the VMW application have been officially completed. It’s time to unveil the secret and share a summary of the most important functionalities that were included in the release. Effective execution of field orders wouldn’t be
How is VSoft Mobile Workforce developing? 3 key changes in the new version
In the latest version of VSoft Mobile Workforce, we have added a number of improvements, starting from the most important from the users’ point of view, and ending with small enhancements of efficiency, UX and UI, that our team considered
Set up your Mobile Workforce with no effort with the New Release
Managing the field work means you need to remember about numerous interconnections, like in life. Performing an installation requires to prepare drawings and gather technical documentation, making a repair depends on delivering parts on time, and before visiting a customer
New Year, New Release of VSoft Mobile Workforce – calendar and reports rebuilt
Alongside our greatest hopes towards what 2021 has to provide for field service companies comes a new release of VMW. From now on one can have a group view of tasks by selecting multiple users or user groups in the
A new version of VSoft Mobile Workforce was released on July 3
The new version of VSoft Mobile Workforce is a significant step forward compared to the previous version of the solution. The introduced changes are extremely important because, first of all, they meet the expectations of current users, but also meet
New version of the VSoft Mobile Workforce and its route optimization functionality
It´s here. We have just finish a new version of the VSoft Mobile Workforce. Among the most important functionalities available in the newest version is route optimization. The advantages of this functionality: the shortest route selection for daily planed tasks, time
The VSoft Mobile Workforce application is now available on Google Play!
The improvements introduced not only boost the comfort of our clients' work, but also affect its results. The application update includes support for the OAuth 2 protocol in the public API, application security meeting the ASVS 4 standard in level 2,