New year – new version of the VSoft Mobile Workforce 2023 system
The beginning of the year is always a busy time at #VSoftTeam. This year’s first VMW System update aims to revolutionize the way you work with tasks. The latest version of VSoft Mobile Workforce traditionally includes new features and enhanced existing solutions. Why? So that our users can further optimize their work while saving time and costs for their company.
First, let’s take a look at the key new feature that is the Task Market.
Task Market and its capabilities
What is behind this feature?
It’s a step towards a whole new quality of working with tasks.
With the help of Task Market, we can support a new business model for the execution of services and tasks in our company based on the popular sharing economy model. It has been introduced by brands, including Uber and Pyszne.pl. VMW provides a service that allows us to create new tasks without an assigned user, and employees in the field can book and assign tasks to themselves using a mobile or web application.
Configuration of the new type of tasks allows you to specify a time limit for performing the action of permanently assigning a user to a selected task. If the user does not start the task on time, it is automatically returned to the pool and another employee can start it.
In the administration panel, we can specify which types of tasks should be included in the Exchange. Why? We let you decide which tasks are important and are automatically assigned to an employee according to the assignment rules, and which tasks are less important and are selected by the user. Of course, tasks in the Task Exchange can also be key – we leave this configuration issue to our customers.
However, before an employee decides to assign and download a task to their pool, they are given a full view of the task’s details.
The above VMW functionality has been made available for iOS, Android and for our new web panel.
New features in reporting!
Editing final reports sent
In the previous version we significantly expanded reporting, and this time could not be any different. Our key functionality has been enhanced to include the ability to edit a closed and sent report. This allows an employee to go back to a completed report in a completed task – they can review it, edit it and resubmit it to the employer. The new feature is useful when a sent document needs to be corrected or completed. Now it is so much easier!
Optimization of reports
Another important enhancement is report optimization, which will significantly improve the process of transferring data with a large number of attachments. Reports that have attachments larger than 1MB are sent to the server without them, and then the attachments are sent in the background in the correct order of their addition or creation. This allows quick delivery of reports without waiting for all attachments to be sent. They await transfer from the mobile application, and then appear in the administration panel with a waiting icon.
Web panel – only development makes sense
In the previous version, a dedicated web panel for employees in the field resembling a mobile application was added. The specifics of our clients dealing with, among other things, loss adjustment prompted us to expand the functionality of the system with the possibility of creating reports, also without the use of a mobile device. Our analysis showed that the functionality is useful for clients who outsource tasks and services to employees and business partners with varying frequency.
We decided to develop the web panel and it gained new functionalities:
- Notifications in the web application
The web app now features notifications similar to those in the mobile app. The application user will be informed through the bell icon about new tasks, changes in their content, new messages, and upcoming deadlines.
- New menu with Task Exchange functionality
The web application has gained a completely new side menu, consisting of My Tasks and All Unassigned Tasks.
Mobile employees using the web application have the ability to select and reserve tasks from a publicly available pool for a specified period of time. Once a task is reserved, they can decide to assign it to themselves or cancel the reservation.
Other changes and improvements
The new features described above are just a few of the improvements we have in store for you in 2023. The latest version also includes:
- No address requirement in the task
The possibility of saving a task without the required address has been introduced. This will allow you to perform tasks whose starting address is unknown. The screen layouts in task types have been modified. In previous versions, the screen for contact information, was a required option.
- Task search by street name in the mobile app
The mobile application now features an additional item in the filter option. The employee has the ability to search for tasks by entering the street name.
Check how VMW works
If you would like to test these new additions, as well as all other VSoft Mobile Workforce features, download the 30-day trial version!