Premiere of the new version of VSoft Mobile Workforce
Works on the latest version of the VMW application have been officially completed. It’s time to unveil the secret and share a summary of the most important functionalities that were included in the release.
Effective execution of field orders wouldn’t be possible without an ongoing analysis of business needs. We carefully follow all the novelties that are taking place in the technology sector and we constantly react to changing environmental conditions. This time, it was the same, the result of the analysis and the changes introduced in the application are presented below.
VSoft Mobile Workforce in a new technological reveal
In the new version, we have introduced a dedicated web panel for field workers, created as an equivalent of the mobile app. The specificity of our customers dealing with, among others, claims settlement, prompted us to expand the system’s functionality by adding the possibility of creating reports with no need of using mobiles or tablets. The conducted analysis showed that the functionality may be useful for customers who don’t want to additionally invest in mobile devices.
The functionality of the web panel allows for quick data input from the computer level after the field visit, without the need to install the application and subsequent integration with the client’s server.
This is the first version of the functionality, which will be further developed in the next releases of the system, although we believe that it will gain a lot of interest already.
Field visits reporting full of news
Our key functionality, which is visit reporting, has been expanded with new options:
- Ability to add an attachment as an answer to a question in the report
- Electronic signature of a client in the created report
- Logging into the mobile app using biometrics
In the new version, it is possible to add an answer to a question as an attachment. This will allow for more effective and faster completion of the documentation provided by the mobile employee. The employer receives completed documents appropriately assigned to the question in the report. We can also name the photos or attached documents and enter a short note. Attaching properly completed documentation is the key to the proper completion of the task and streamlines the process of archiving documents.
In addition to attachments and photos of documents, the application user can download an electronic signature from the client. This is one of our newest functionalities, intended mainly for mobile users, which will definitely facilitate the confirmation of accepted documents in the report. The application allows you to sign on to your mobile device with a few simple clicks. Each e-signature will be attached to the report as an attachment in graphic form. The solution is available for both iOS and Android. The functionality consists in making a graphic signature using a stylus or finger on a tablet or smartphone device.
The whole of the above part that improves reporting will be complemented by a long-awaited new function that will certainly find many supporters – Biometric Login. The VMW application will allow you to log in using facial biometrics and a fingerprint. This means that instead of a password, a fingerprint scan or face identification using the phone camera is enough. The login process itself takes up to a few seconds and is as secure as in the case of logging in with a PIN.
Always ahead in terms of communication
We constantly care about this aspect, which is so important in team management. Therefore, the new version couldn’t lack communication improvements:
- Two-way communication between manager and employee
- Integration with SMSAPI
The administration panel and the mobile application have been extended with functionality that facilitates two-way communication with employees. Messages sent from both the web and mobile applications are displayed in the form of chats. The previous functionality was limited only to one-way communication from the employer. We already know that the implemented change will significantly improve communication. 😊
Another feature is integration with SMSAPI, which gives us the opportunity to choose our preferred mobile messaging provider during the installation process.
New mechanisms supporting the team manager
In the latest version we also took care of improvements for team managers:
- Improvement of the automatic work scheduling algorithm for mobile users.
- Possibility of estimating the cost of the task
There are many factors to take into account both when arranging a work plan for a single person or when setting a schedule for a multi-person team. The previous intelligent task scheduling algorithm didn’t include a maximum time in which the task should be completed. Bearing in mind the problems faced by modern companies, we added another algorithm to the task planning functionality – Taking into account the task’s deadline.
Another important function that has been added to the administration panel is the ability to enter profit for a completed task. The manager can estimate the profit and enter the value with an appropriate comment into the order. Thanks to this, the application user is able to easily calculate the profit for completing the order, and the manager additionally receives a report with the total profit in the administration panel.
These are all of the most important changes in this release. 😊
Find out how it works
If you want to test the latest and all other VSoft Mobile Workforce functionalities, download the 30-day trial version! 😉