A new version of VSoft Mobile Workforce was released on July 3
The new version of VSoft Mobile Workforce is a significant step forward compared to the previous version of the solution. The introduced changes are extremely important because, first of all, they meet the expectations of current users, but also meet the needs of those looking for specific functionalities that are missing in solutions currently available on the market. We feel that we have done a good piece of work and focused on the most important aspects of the application.
User Experience above all
At the beginning it is worth emphasizing that the solution we offer was designed for use in field work and is used to facilitate the efficient execution of planned activities under all, even difficult conditions.
The application must run on every kind of mobile device, and at the same time be easy and intuitive in use. When working on the new version we were focused on User Experience which led us to many tests and a new design. We took care of details, such as colors, buttons size, data loading speed, clean interface and its understandable language. Everything is consistent for both mobile application and web administration panel. During the whole process, various scenarios of using VSoft Mobile Workforce were tested. And this is how the scenes of our work looked like 😊
Rules for assigning an employee to a task
The ability to set parameters after which the employee will be automatically assigned to perform a given task is a new functionality, that is crucial for team management. Applying rules such as assigning orders by region, distance from the task, occupancy of the employee or his skills allows better and faster matching of tasks to individual field workers. The result of that is saving time needed to process orders, which of course translates into lower costs and possibility to service more customers.
Here’s what you can gain from the applied rules:
- flexibility in configuring the rules for assigning employees to tasks according to current needs,
- the ability to track tasks in real time and react to changes instantly,
- easier management of a large team of field workers,
- automating the allocation of employees to tasks, taking into account their qualifications and region,
- increasing work efficiency by optimizing schedules and working time,
- minimizing operating costs (e.g. reducing costs and time to reach the customer),
- minimizing unused resources.
Mobile Workforce available on App Store
We have mentioned the need of use different mobile devices, so we do not remain empty words. The application works on Apple devices running on iOS and is now available in App Store. Support for devices running on Android and iOS makes Mobile Workforce available on 96% mobile devices *.
New advanced functions
We have decided to expand some frequently used functionalities with additional options and allow users more freedom to adapt them to their needs.
This is our list of tasks completed in VSoft Mobile Workforce 😀
- Expanding cash payments – the ability to generate a report of cash payments accepted
- Advanced mechanism of filtering tasks and lists in the mobile application and web administration panel
- The ability to modify the content of all system emails
- And many other technical improvements
We encourage you to downolad DEMO and try the new version of VSoft Mobile Workforce!
* share of Android iOS operating systems on the mobile devices market in Q3 2019 according to mobirank