New Year, New Release of VSoft Mobile Workforce – calendar and reports rebuilt
Alongside our greatest hopes towards what 2021 has to provide for field service companies comes a new release of VMW. From now on one can have a group view of tasks by selecting multiple users or user groups in the calendar view, as well as days, weeks or months. Applying filters is a way to double check the selected types of tasks, to show employees’ working hours or their days off.
Reports is one of the elements most needed for field team managers to perform well. We paid a lot of attention to reporting functionality, focusing on readability and usability enhancements. You can now check the performance outcomes of your field team in a quick and pleasant way. The implemented group view presents the most important data filled in the report by application users.
What else can be achieved in the new version of VMW?
- Add new types of tasks faster by creating templates with specific data
- Set the work schedule individually for each user, including their working hours and holidays
- Create list of tasks for a quick view by defining your own filters
- Check the detailed history of events on tasks
- Track working time on tasks and measure the effectiveness of your employees
Application users can benefit from enhancements such as fast actions button and constantly displayed notifications about an ongoing task. Starting navigation, making a call to a client, ending work on task, or sending a report is now a matter of just one tap.
Last but not least, good news for those who plan to implement CRM. YetiForce dedicated plugin allows to connect VSoft Mobile Workforce with the CRM what makes it possible to create tasks from CRM itself and anchor them to customer/contract/user profiles.
If you want to learn the details about the changes in the new release of VSoft Mobile Workforce, please contact Yevheniia Zakharova.
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